The Pegmatite Page

Purpose:  The purpose of The Pegmatite Page is to provide a forum for those of us interested in pegmatites (pigs!).  Information on recent finds, journal articles relating to pegmatites and information about upcoming shows and conferences.

What is a Pegmatite?  A pegmatite is simply a very coarse grained igneous rock that usually occurs in dikes (seams of rock that cut across the main country rock) or lenses (pods of coarse-grained igneous rock included in other rocks).  Pegmatites can be from a few inches to hundreds of feet thick.  What makes many people interested in pegmatites is the fact that many exotic and important minerals, including many gemstones, are found in them.

New Pockets

Conferences and Shows

 Charlie Dog Claim

Using Radar to Find Pockets

Pegmatite Links

Physics, Meteorology and Mathematics


Pegmatite Books

Current Weather

Local WRF Model

Research Interests

Tornado Chasing

Air Quality Sensor

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